Logotipo Hotel Villasur - Un hotel en Granada para recordar
Tour 3D

Instructions of use:
- For being able to choose another different view, it presses in the drop-down bar that puts 'Entrada principal' and chooses another one.
- To move through the views, it presses the arrows Right or Left or directly presses with the mouse on the view and navegue to his pleasure.
- To stop the image, it presses in button STOP.
- To approach the image press A.
- To move away the image press Z.

Note: The time of load of the tour 3D, depends on the speed of its line.

Contact information
Hotel Villasur
Avda. Andalucia, 57 - 18198 - Huetor Vega (Granada)
Telf.:34 - 958 - 30 22 83 | Email: info@hotelvillasur.com
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